
Surabaya is a second metropolis city in Indonesia. It's thecapital city of East Java. Surabaya is a reference of East Indonesian Region in the field of industry, trade, education and also ocean.
In Indonesian history, Surabaya has a big role in freedom struggle of Indonesia. Once upon a time, something that would be an unforgettable moment by this nation is the struggle of people in Surabaya known as the "10 Nopember 1945" incident.
The well known spirit of "Rawe-rawe Rantas Malang-malang Putung" had driven the citizen of Surabaya to fight against the Ally troops which is intruded by NICA. This troops had a mission to take over Surabaya once again. In this incident, the ally general, Mallaby, was killed. They torn the blue color of Dutch's flag in the hotel and set it in the Yamato Hotel. Because of that incident, people of Surabaya or who has ever settled in Surabaya proudly being called "Arek Suroboyo".
To memorize the spirit of people in Surabaya at the moment, built a monument called "TUGU PAHLAWAN" in the heart of Surabaya. This monument has been a symbol of Surabaya for years.
Geographically, Surabaya locate on a tropical area. So, it can be easily visited through the air, the sea and also from the land transportation. It takes around 9 hours from Jakarta using railway train and 1 1/4 hour using plane. The East and North of Surabaya are directly facing the Madura Strain. They form coastal area along the beach.
The Surabaya citizen is now around 2.941.820 people living in this city which is 90 people / Hectare dense, and grows around 1,749% /year. The citizen of Surabaya consists of a plural culture. The most are came from Javanese and Madurese. But these cultures have been living for years in peace. It's so, because of the people's characteristic is open mind. They prefer to say something they don't loke to others rather than keeping in their mind as a venge.
Surabaya has been the center of industry for the area surrounding the city, extending to the East Indonesia. The regions, e.c. Tandes, Benowo, Asemrowo, Rungkut (PT. SIER), Gunung Anyar are the main industrial areas which consists of food, trade, chemical, cloth, etc.
Surabaya is a maritim city which is well known since the Kingdom of Majapahit. At that moment trade activity concentrate in the Ujung Dock, which is now known as Tanjung Perak Harbor. As a second biggest harbor in Indonesia, many kinds of supporting industry such as shipment and workshop fascilities are built in the area. P.T. PAL as a repair shop and ship building has turned into a trend settler from many other similar commpany in Indonesia.
Along with the progress of industrial sector, the economic rate of Surabaya growth rapidly. The growth is around 7,5 % per year. Many trades center can be found is Surabaya. Some of them are the Tunjungan Plaza, World Trade Centre (WTC), Tunjungan Centre, Surabaya Plaza, Jembatan Merah Plaza, Surabaya Mall dan Galaxy Mall.
Hoe to Travel to Indonesia?
You can fly directly to Indonesia from just about anywhere.People can travel from Europe and the US arrive on direct flights to Surabaya. But most traveling trips to Indonesia will arrive at Jakarta Airport or Denpasar Airport then we can travel by domestic flight to Juanda Airport in Surabaya. There are also non-stop flights from several Asian cities, including Singapore, Malaysia, and Hongkong.
How to Get to Hotel From Airport?
If you prefer to travel by yourself; When you arrive at Juanda (Surabaya) International Airport, you can go directrly to the Hotel. We recommend you to take a taxi for your convenience. There are many city taxi services within the city of Surabaya. Recommended taxi companies for transportation inside the city are "Blue Bird", "Silver Bird", all are from "Blue Bird Group" Taxi. Taxi rates (Argo meter) are estimated at Rp 3.000 for the starting KM plus Rp. 1300/1KM.
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Discover Toraja : Land of Heavenly Kings

Welcome to the Tana Toraja, the "Land of Heavenly Kings".
The long drive from the lowlands to the mountain stronghold of Tanaopens up a breath-taking new world. The rugged mountains and verdant valleys are home to a people whose love of religious spectacle is equaled only by their hospitality. With majestic panoramas, captivating villages and dramatic ceremonies, Tana Toraja is the undisputed highlight of any journey to Sulawesi.
Upgraded roads, an airport and several star-rated hotels have opened the Toraja highland to visitors of all interests. The essence of the Toraja beliefs and way of life can be experienced without undue effort, as many interesting sites are clustered around the town of Rantepao, easily accessible by road.
Toraja Land whose ancestor oriented group believes that their forefathers descended from heaven onto a mountain some twenty generations ago. Their colourful culture is especially rich in elaborate sacrificial, post mortuary, and cave burial sites.
Tana Toraja (Toraja Land), which lies in the north of the province is known for its unique culture and ancient traditions. The center of tourism is Rantepao, 328 km from Ujung Pandang by road. There are several small bungalow hotels at Rantepao, and Makale, the district capital. The entry to Tana Toraja is marked by a gate built in traditional boat-shaped architecture. The road passes through the mountains of Kandora and Gandang on which, according to Toraja mythology, the first ancestors of celestial beings descended from heaven. The majority of the people still follows an ancestral cult called "Aluk Todolo" which governs all traditional ceremonies. From Rantepao, side trips can be made to Kete, a traditional village where there are handicraft and unique shops. Behind the village there is a grave site on a hillside. Life-size statues guard over old coffins. As roads are not always paved, it is necessary to use a jeep or walk if the weather is good (between May and October).
Two cliff graves easy to reach are Lemo and Londa. Londa is one of the oldest hanging graves belonging to the nobility. A large balcony is filled with effigies of the dead. Kerosene lamps with young village guides, can be hired to enter the caves to see skeletons and old coffins. At Lemo, burial chambers are cut out of the rock and several balconies filled with effigies look out while new caves are being dug to serve as family graves.
There are several grave sites and traditional villages of which Palawa is a classic example of a village on a small hill with "Tongkonan" or a burial place with celebrations and festivals. Visitors are welcome but they are expected to adhere to local customs of dress, seating and bringing a token present. 


Discover Indonesia Heritage

Indonesian culture has shaped it's ways throughout the generations between it's original indigenous customs and traditions and the multiple influences of the foreign people. Indonesia played a very important role being the middle of trading routes between the Far East and that of the Middle East that had resulted many cultural and multitude of other religions and beliefs.
One of Indonesia's amazing cultures is the country's unique art-forms and that expresses mixed cultures. There are the Indonesian's traditional puppet shows that is influenced mainly by the Hindus and Islam that among the villagers of Java. The western culture in the other hand has influenced Indonesia with modern entertainment features and techniques like the art of TV shows and movies together with their songs. Their political system was influenced mainly of the Western's.
Though the Indonesians have been influenced by many foreign lads, the many remote places of the country still possess and reserve the country's unique culture, rituals, customs and old traditions.
Indonesian music has been a very big part of the Indonesian community making it a very important role in every Indonesian lives. The dance together with their music has also been a big part of Indonesian civilization. There are lots of traditional dances that are being played and performed during special occasions in some public places.
Apart from their dance and music, the Indonesian's drama and theatre are being performed in certain Indonesian occasions. Performances subjects with the country's history. They actually perform folk stories and get to play each unique character that will give life to the performances.
Painting is also been well known for the Indonesians and that they are very artistic and detailed with colorful and traditional designs that are unique by the Indonesians. These paintings are used to be backgrounds of the theatre arts performances that give life to the show.
Here are the some of the traditional customs and traditions behind the Indonesian culture. Through the years, their culture has diverged and lots of styles and techniques are added that made their culture more colorful and lively. There are lots more to be revealed with the culture of Indonesia that is only be discovered when one is to relate himself with the Indonesians and get to know them personally. So visit this beautiful country any time and learn more about their vibrant culture and their way of living.


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This photograph was taken by mat celor 
This one was taken by National Geographic

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